Monday, November 18, 2013

It Is Your Birthday.

I'm taking a break from our regularly scheduled moving shenanigans to bring you this:

Well, no. Actually it is my birthday. I mean, maybe it's yours too, I don't really know. And if it is you should tell me, because yay! Birthday twins!

Anyways I thought today would be a good time to check out my 30 before 30 list, which I have severely neglected and probably not made any progress on at all, but I am all about keeping it real so we're going to look at it anyways.

Okie dokes. Here it is.

1. Buy a house. (Okay, absolutely no progress has been made on this one, but at least we're living somewhere where we can actually afford to buy a house one day, so I'm calling it a step in the right direction.)

2. Volunteer at an animal shelter. (In the works! I signed up to volunteer at a local shelter about two weeks ago. I only attended one day so I feel like I shouldn't cross it off the list just yet. But soon!)

3. Run a half-marathon. (Ha. No.)

4. See an opera at the Met. (Sadly, I have not done this yet, but I still have hope!)

5. Take a vacation to Disney. (Completed: 2/9/2013)

6. Visit Florence and Venice. (Possible 2014 trip in the works. Excitement!)

7. Pay it forward. (Yep, still need to do this.)

8. Make 30 new recipes. (Ooooh, I'm getting close to this one. I will have to tally 'em up and see where I stand.)

9. Host a dinner party OR holiday dinner. (Completed: 11/22/2013)

10. Brush up on my Italian. (Nope. Hasn't happened.)

11. Go on a wine tour. (Also hasn't happened.)

12. Read everything on this list. (I am pretty sure I've only read one of these books so far. Time to get reading!)

13. Plant a vegetable garden. (This might actually happen next year because we have a kickass balcony that could totally fit a few small plants. Hmmm...)

14. Hike a mountain. (Totally forgot about this one. I hope to cross it off the list soon!)

15. Take a Photoshop course. (I really need to do this. I have been using Photoshop SO MUCH lately and yet I feel like I am barely scratching the surface.)

16. Actually finish a 30 day photo project. (Okay, I am going to buckle down on this one. December 1. Let's do this.)

17. Walk the Brooklyn Bridge. (Have not done this yet. I will though. I swear to you I will!)

18. Get rid of 30 things I don't need. (Well, I donated TEN boxes to Goodwill when we moved so I'm calling it. There was a ton of shit in those boxes that I definitely did not need.)

19. Create and order our wedding album. (I have actually been working on this and it should be done soon. Woohoo!)

20. Learn the constellations. (No progress made here. Boo.)

21. Attend a NY Giants game. (Funny story. I actually had tickets in my hand to a November game. But then they started their season out 0-6. And then we moved. And then I felt like it would be a really dumb idea to spend hundreds of dollars on my flight just to watch them lose. So I sold the tickets. And guess what? THEY WON THE GAME. Jerks. But to answer your question, no. No I haven't attended a Giants game. Blergh.)

22. Learn how to jar and/or can something. (Actually I am working on this and will have an upcoming post about it soon.)

23. Visit five new breweries. (One down! Four to go!)

24. Take a weekend trip to Concord, MA. (Oh, I want to do this so badly. But since we moved south I don't think it will happen. I might switch out Concord, MA for Charleston, SC.)

25. Buy (and ride!) a bicycle. (Ha. No. Hasn't happened.)

26. Experience a sunrise. (I also want to do this so badly.)

27. Visit a new state and/or country. (You guys I did this one! I promise to write a post on it.)

28. Attend the cherry blossom festival in DC. (Crap. I forgot about this one. May or may not happen before I turn 30.)

29. Open a retirement fund. (I also did this one! I am an adult! I probably won't write a post about it though because it's super boring.)

30. Have a drink at the Campbell Apartment. (Haven't done this yet either. My dream day in NYC would be to walk across the Brooklyn Bridge, take in an opera at the Met and finish the night off with a drink at Campbell.)

Wow, okay. So it looks like I have a lot of work to do, but a lot of these things will actually be crossed off soon, so I'm feeling pretty good. One year down, two to go! Eep. I'm feeling old now.

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