Monday, November 26, 2012


One of the items on my 30 before 30 list was to host a holiday dinner or something similar.

This year Jason and I hosted our first Thanksgiving. Yea, I'm just going to let that one sink in for a while. We currently live in an itty-bitty apartment, but there were only 8 of us and I was determined to make it work. As a true Type-A lady I made multiple lists and took the Wednesday before the holiday off to prepare. Unfortunately, in what I can only describe as controlled chaos, I only stopped to snap a few photos so I hope my words will be able to paint an accurate picture of how this year's lovely holiday all went down.

Numero uno on the list was purchasing the turkey. My husband is a label reader and if you are one or are close to one then you already know where I'm going with this. He was adamant that we have a fresh, natural turkey for Thanksgiving. Meanwhile, I was raised in the home of frozen Butterballs. My motto is, if it hasn't killed me yet it must not be that bad for me (which is, by the way, an absolutely terrible life motto, but I digress).

Our first stop was good old reliable Trader Joe's. When we waltzed in there were exactly three turkeys left. None of the three looked appealing to me and I convinced Jason that we could do better. By the time we called the other neighborhood TJ's and learned that they were all sold out those last three turkeys were gone. Whoops. We booked it to a local grocer who thankfully had many frozen and fresh turkeys in stock. Of course, Jason immediately made a beeline for 14 pound organic bird that cost a whopping $70.00. Are you fucking kidding me?! I'm not even going to get into the whispered argument we had in that aisle, but you bet your butt we left with a more reasonably priced Shady Brook Farms turkey. Sure, it will probably give us cancer, but it was only 30 bucks! Priorities, people.

Thursday went off without a hitch if you consider almost setting the turkey on fire, smashing the casserole dish that contains your sister-in-law's homemade stuffing and flooding your kitchen because you overfilled your pressure cooker normal. I know I do.

But hey, we went through four bottles of wine, a case of beer and way too much scotch and rum with only one heated discussion on the merits of capitalism. #winning! (That's still a thing, right?)

The only photo I took of our table. Is my husband classy or what? This was late in the night after much of the wine (and beer) had disappeared. And now I am seriously kicking myself for not taking a photo of the table all set up. It looked freakin' gorgeous if I do say so myself! Oh well, there's always next year and at the very least I finally get to cross something off my list. Only 29 more to go!

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