Monday, January 13, 2014

Cabinet Chaos

One of the things I wanted to accomplish this year was to reorganize our kitchen cabinets a bit. I have a feeling this will happen a few times over the course of the year as we slowly test things out and figure out what works best for us and our kitchen layout, but this weekend I did a little experimenting.

When we originally moved in I placed all of our dishes and mugs in the cabinet directly above the dishwasher. In the cabinets to the right we're storing all of our drinking glasses/wine glasses/beer mugs, etc. In my head it made sense to have everything stored near the dishwasher and sink.

After a few months however, it became clear to me that this system was actually making my life more difficult because I am super short and can't put the dishes away while the dishwasher is open. I know, it's pathetic. Instead I have to stack everything on the counter, close the door and then put everything away. It's just really awkward and annoying. And on top of that this little nook somehow became a dumping ground for any extra snacks and food that wouldn't fit in the designated "food" cabinet.

And that's probably because I picked the tiniest cabinet in the kitchen to use for food storage. It's literally bursting to the seams and I can't fit anything else in there no matter how many times I reorganize it.

Finally, add in the fact that we have this super underutilized cabinet over here and it's clear that we were overdue for a much-needed cabinet overhaul.

The first thing I did was empty out the cabinet pictured above and replaced it with our dishes and coffee mugs. Some random appliances stayed (blender and waffle maker) and I threw our extra supply of coffee and tea in here as well.

It actually works out perfectly because right below this cabinet is where I have my little coffee bar setup.

Now when I'm jonesing for a coffee (which is like 10 times a day) I can just reach up and grab a mug. It probably seems like common sense to y'know like everyone else in the world, but for whatever reason I didn't think of it until this weekend. Fail.

Now the cabinet above the dishwasher that held those dishes and mugs was empty. I wanted to move all of our pantry foods over here since it's a much larger cabinet and it's right above where all of that extra food was accumulating. 

Ahhh, that is so much better. Everything is a lot less cluttered and I even managed to fit most of the countertop food in here with room to move things around so I don't have to empty the entire god damn shelf when I need something that's shoved in the back.

Finally, I tackled the tiny cabinet where our food stuffs used to be. I decided to keep all of our baking supplies in this cabinet as well as paper products. Oh and our steak knives too? Mostly because I couldn't find a more suitable location for them. They will move at some point I'm sure.

Now I personally love the new layout (so far) but the husband - who hates any kind of change ever - hates it. I told him take a week or two to get used to it and then tell me how he feels, but he responded by putting things "back where they belong". Yesterday I found the peanut butter in with the baking supplies and a coffee mug mixed in with the tomato sauce.

So yea, fun experiment!

Did you get any projects done this weekend?

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