Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Simplify: Three of Thirty

Well, due to some unforeseen shipping shenanigans my latest kitchen update post has been delayed. Can't wait to share that story with you. Instead I've got another 30 before 30 update for ya because I finally simplified something tangible in my life this weekend!

I dedicated my Saturday afternoon to cleaning out my dresser and closet. Exciting right?! Not really, but I will be sharing photos of my hideous wardrobe so I hope you enjoy that (and don't use it as material to submit to What Not to Wear).

First up was the dresser. This thing is massive and completely full of my clothes. Jason and I bought a brand spankin' new bedroom set over the summer and I immediately claimed the dresser for myself. Since the kid owns like three shirts and a pair of jeans he didn't really complain. And I was nice enough to let him take the four drawer chest so everybody wins!

Anyways, I noticed my dresser was starting to overflow a bit...

Check out those awesome stars and moons PJs in the bottom right drawer. You know I keep those around for special date nights with the husband. Hubba, hubba.

Anyways, I simply went drawer by drawer and got rid of clothes that I haven't worn in ages. Apparently I had a lot of clothes I haven't been wearing because once I consolidated everything all three of those top drawers were empty! I'm not sure what I will be putting in there just yet, but I'm just glad to simplify my wardrobe a bit and to have the extra storage space!

Yea the leopard print bra had to go. It was time. But you'll be happy to hear that I still kept those sexy PJs. I'm tellin' ya, the husband just finds me irresistible when I throw those bad boys on.

Next up was the bedroom closet.

While I didn't get rid of too many items in my closet, it was definitely worth taking a few minutes to just reorganize my clothes. I separated everything into skirts, pants, shirts/sweaters and dresses. This is incredibly helpful since I wake up way earlier than Jason and am often fumbling around in the dark looking for pants.

One of these days I'll get around to matching all of the hangers, installing a shelf above the clothing rod and maybe even putting in a small light so I can actually see what color pants I've just pulled out of the closet. Yikes, now I'm getting carried away. For now I'm just happy that I was able to simplify and donate two garbage bags full of clothes!

Have you slimmed down your wardrobe lately?

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