Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New Year's Resolutions

It's that time of year again. That time of year when everyone you know is vowing to be a better person while munching on celery sticks and walking as slow as possible on every god damn treadmill in the gym. I've never been one for making New Year's resolutions. The tradition just never made any sense to me. I get the whole clean start and all, but why do so many people choose to make changes on New Year's Day when there are 364 perfectly other great days to make a positive change in your life.

Anyways, I've already got my 30 before 30 list, but I've decided to give this resolution thing a shot. I'm keeping it short and simple and have three little things I would like to improve about myself:

  1. Stick to an exercise routine. I am notorious for exercising for a good 6-8 weeks and then falling off the wagon for a few months. I would really like to know what it feels like (and what I'll look like!) to stick to a routine for an entire year.
  2. Stop being a hoarder. I am terrible at throwing things away. My husband is no help either. We live in a pretty tiny apartment and it's like the freakin' Hotel California in here. New shit is always coming in, but nothing ever leaves. This will be my year to really sort through our belongings and throw away or donate anything we don't need.
  3. Take more photos. I want to start taking this blog seriously and I've noticed that a majority of my posts are lacking photographs. And not only that, but we had a New Year's party this year. We had a blast, but I did not take a single photo. That's just sucky so I'd like to make a conscious effort to take more photos this year.
That's about it. Short and simple.

What are your New Year's resolutions?

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