Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Making a Run For It

So Monday's post was basically a lead up to this one. As I mentioned, I recently purged myself of my gym membership and have decided to start running with my husband. If you've been keeping track, this poses a slight problem for me right now due to the climate and my allergy to the cold. I did a serious amount of research on running gear and I've managed to find a few pieces that protect me fairly well from the cold and discomfort. But you should know that this is not the only beast I'm up against. I've got three words for you.

Exercise. Induced. Anaphylaxis.

I know this sounds even more insane than my cold urticaria, but I swear it's legit. I'm allergic to exercise. Not in like an I'm-a-lazy-fuck-who'd-rather-sit-on-the-couch-than-walk-around-the-block-way. Not even in like an omg-if-I-do-one-more-push-up-I'm-going-to-collapse-way. No, I'm allergic in a my-body-itches-so-badly-I-literally-want-to-rip-my-skin-off way.

It started a few years ago when I first really started running. Midway through my runs, when I really got myself all worked up and sweaty, the burn would start. At first I just thought it was a normal reaction to being ridiculously out of shape, but as I continued with my exercise plan I knew something wasn't right. The pain would become so intense that I would have to stop what I was doing. I couldn't focus on anything other than the deep, intense itch I felt through my legs and torso and (not gonna lie) there were a few times where it was so painful that I almost cried.

It seems that the more out of shape I am, the worse the pain is. Of course, this should theoretically be great motivation to stay in tip-top shape at all times, but since we're being honest here I'll just come right out and say it. I'm a lazy fuck. And it's a lot nicer to just sit on my couch and not feel any pain at all than to go for a long run and maybe only feel a little bit of pain.

There are all sorts of fun reads on the subject, if you're ever curious about freaks like me. It seems like every situation is unique and mine seems to flare up most when running. Sure there are plenty of other exercises that wouldn't cause me pain, but my husband runs, it has always been a goal of mine to run a race and let's face it, I'm a stubborn jackass who is not going to let some exercise induced anaphylaxis stand in my way.

Again, the pain is reduced when I am in better shape so between this and the cold weather we've been having I've decided to keep my exercise routine indoors with my buddy Jillian Michaels. She is the freakin' MAN woman and I love her 30 Day Shred video. Hopefully come springtime I will be in good enough shape to take a run without wanting to saw my legs off and the weather will be warm enough that I won't have to worry about breaking into hives.

Bet your last workout doesn't seem so bad anymore, eh?

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